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Major Accident Investigation for Insurance Broker Involving a Transportation Organization in Texas

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Major Accident Investigation for Insurance Broker Involving a Transportation Organization in Texas


Antea Group was contracted by the insurance broker for a regional trucking organization to provide an independent investigation of a major accident involving an employee of their client. The accident involved a fall from the top of a rail car which resulted in serious, debilitating injuries. The trucking organization had limited expertise and experience in carrying out such an investigation.

The overall objective of the investigation was to determine causation and to provide guidance in the prevention of a recurrence. Because of the severity of the injury, a formal notification and follow-up report to OSHA was necessary as per administrative requirements that went in to effect on January 1, 2015. 


Antea Group completed an independent investigation, carried out through a combination of telephone and in-person interviews, physical inspections of facilities, and internet research. As a part of the investigation, a sequential analysis of the accident was carried out, where the discrete steps that led to the injury were mapped. Leading to each step, causal factors were identified (causal factors are defined as conditions that, if eliminated, could have prevented the accident or reduced its severity.)

Additionally, specific recommendations were provided to prevent recurrences. The wording and structure of the report and related documents were developed to be compatible with subsequent OSHA reporting requirements and potential litigation action. 


Client benefits included the identification of a specific path forward for reducing the risks of a recurrence. In addition, compliance and litigation risks related to the accident were managed in a controlled and predictable manner. 

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