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Bringing industry leaders together to solve challenges and advance opportunities.

Our Industry-Specific EHS&S Consortiums

To help clients proactively address environmental and sustainability issues through collaboration and cooperation, Antea®Group facilitates EHS&S consortiums spanning a range of industries and business sectors.

Since 1998, our consortiums have brought industry competitors together to solve problems, benchmark progress, and develop strategies to improve environmental and operational performance while building a healthier, safer, more sustainable planet.

Featured below you’ll find information about the industry consortiums we currently offer. If you’re interested in joining an existing group or would like one established for your industry, please contact us.

Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER)

BIER is a coalition of global beverage industry leaders committed to improving and increasing sustainability in the beverage industry and beyond. Along with Antea Group experts, BIER members serve as a technical resource and knowledge base by collaborating on research and publications that help others tackle big issues like water stewardship, benchmarking, greenhouse gas emissions, and more.

Learn more about BIER

Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council (HPRC)

HPRC is made up of companies across the healthcare, recycling, and waste management industries seeking to improve the recyclability of plastic products and packaging within healthcare. By engaging in pioneering projects across the value chain, HPRC works collaboratively to enhance the economics, efficiency, and ultimately the quality and quantity of healthcare plastics collected for recycling.

Learn more about HPRC

Data Center Safety Council

Data Center Safety Council provides a unified approach towards ensuring safety and wellbeing of personnel in data center operations. The industry has seen a period of rapid growth adding urgency to the need for standardization of best practices, knowledge sharing and collaboration, and defining resources for training and development. This industry group will provide advocacy for aligning health and safety regulations and addressing operational health and safety challenges in a consistent approach.

The vision is to create a forum where health and safety professionals work collaboratively as an industry group to improve data center worker safety wholistically. Together we will address common issues and seek long-term solutions for the benefit and safety of data center workers.

Learn More About DCSC


EHSxTech represents a unique opportunity for industry professionals to explore opportunities to improve global environment, health, safety, and sustainability performance, talk through specific needs and issues, and discuss industry trends in a collaborative, non-competitive forum. During EHSxTech in-person and virtual events, leading technology companies come together to tackle common challenges for individual, collective, and industry-wide benefits.

Learn more about EHSxTech


The EHSxRetail consortium supports retail industry EHS&S professionals with unique opportunities to identify and share industry best practices, network with peers in an open atmosphere, and work to raise the profile of EHS in retail settings. Through private EHSxRetail events, participants can collaborate to address EHS and sustainability issues of the retail industry and examine ways to increase awareness and adoption of EHS&S programs within their businesses.

Learn more about EHSxRetail