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Creating a Sustainability Report and ESG Summary for an Oil and Gas Company

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Creating a Sustainability Report and ESG Summary for an Oil and Gas Company


Our client was tasked with preparing their oil and gas company’s first combined annual and sustainability report and needed to complete a first draft for editorial formatting and review within a three-month timeframe. The client sought external support to help pull together information to align with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and other standards and to help build a more formal strategy for future sustainability reporting.


Antea Group began an intense, month-long process of data collection, on-site and telephone interviews, narrative development, and GRI alignment. Our GRI specialists mapped the entire report and content to the GRI Standards, and the company was able to release a Core compliant report on time for the release of annual financials.

In addition to the formal report, Antea Group provided a robust environmental social governance (ESG) data summary with sources cited; a map of material data relevant to GRI, the relevant Sustainability Accounting Standards Board standard, the CDP Climate and Water questionnaires, and the RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment questionnaire; and a materiality assessment refresh for future strategy development and report preparation.

Specific Services Offered:

  • Annual Reporting
  • Third-Party Disclosures
  • Data Management
  • Materiality and Strategy Support


The client published their annual and sustainability report on time to meet internal and external stakeholder expectations. The client identified several process improvements through this exercise that have streamlined other reporting efforts.

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Contact us to discuss your environment, health, safety, and sustainability needs today.